Jobs of cinema
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Jobs of cinema |
Could we live in a "world without cinema"? Without having the chance to admire on the big screen all those who cross our imagination? without actresses or actors, without directors or directors? without script writers? To ask the question is to answer it. Although it is very difficult to pursue a career in this sector, it is as important in our country as it is in large industrial sectors.
New communication technologies allow for an increasingly sophisticated production of animation, morphing, special effects and the digital revolution, all of which lead to the emergence of new skills needs and offer opportunities for young people in the field. engage in schools. For adults in careers, they must update their knowledge and skills. For all, a requirement: that of mastering the basics of management and management as the budget commitments are consistent. Success, therefore, requires new skills at all levels of the film production chain: from screenwriters to distributors to the business plan manager, not forgetting the engineers and technicians who will have become familiar with the new tools and tools. software. Data that illustrates the above:
Assistant Editor Son
Young graduate with an Audiovisual Degree Option Sound; having completed several technical internships during his years of study. Under the supervision of a chief sound editor /Sound engineer (himself listening to the director's instructions) the preparation and production of sound effects that are defined - cinema-television - multimedia. He has in his field the talents of the creator combined with the great knowledge of the possibilities offered by digital technology.
Designer Creator in Visual Communication
The world of "visual communication" today encompasses all the media and vectors of communication, from posters, the press and magazines to the Internet, tv, cinema and mobile phones that offer us images, animations, videos, films...... Not to mention the communication highlights that are the fairs, the exhibitions "mainstream" major sporting events that in turn lead to the production of images on all available media.
The extent of communication opportunities for businesses and organizations is measured. Therefore, to get a message across, to mount an advertisement for the launch of a new product, a service, for a communication campaign requires talents and skills that the profile of Designer, Creator in Visual Communication brings together.
Let's point out a few "key" points of this profile: Woman or man able since a customer request to conduct an analysis, to design a project with various variants taking into account strategic and marketing reflections in order to manage to clear to sketches of the visual communication project that meets expectations. It is he or she who will choose the technical operators photographers, filmmakers,
designers or studios who will carry out the project. A true "boss" of the project, he will control the budget and deadlines.
To clarify further, his understanding of demand and markets make him (or her) the creative person who defines the/the concepts that make sense and that define the goal to be achieved.
Technically: do not forget that it is able to develop the first sketches, use all computerized graphics tools and transcribe the selected projects on the appropriate media:
paper, video, web, apps.
Success in this profession will lead, it is possible to perceive, the creative designer in visual communication, to the exercise of higher responsibilities: team responsibility, department, large accounts .... without ruling out the creation of his own studio or his own communication agency.
How do you become a Designer in Visual Communication?
Beyond that, it is imperative to follow specialized training in school or as part of a master's degree; to benefit from a pedagogy focused on project management and encouraging international contacts to reach this level. Schools also offer long cycles that directly address access to these responsibilities.
Translator Adaptor in Audiovisual
Male Woman, Higher Education in Living Languages, Master's Level, Master's degree. capable in the context of audiovisual companies to carry out the tasks of translating notes of intent, synopsis, subtitling of fiction, documentaries for cinema, or video productions for companies. A person capable of adapting screenplays and films for film or TV companies. In addition to the qualities of the translator, one can guess that this professional profile has invested heavily in the knowledge of the film and television worlds that allow him to be recognized. It is very common for the translator adapting in the audiovisual sector to belong to a company specializing in these services and that he intervenes on a contract according to program purchases.
Underwater shooting operator
Specialization sought for film or video professionals who must - in a professional setting - master the handling of the materials made available to them, as well as ensure with speed and efficiency the underwater shots that have made them requested. Documentary films, Fiction films,.. Only prepared and trained specialists are able to succeed under such specific conditions. Diving schools sometimes offer courses such as the Marco Polo School in Rome.
Photo Reporter Video
Woman, Man - A profession that, in fact, requires mastery of many techniques. That's what we find when we search the Internet. By visiting the reference sites (Onisep, Employment Pole, the site of the National Directory of Professional Certification, WIKIPEDIA....etc.) we situate this professional in the world of media, equipped with cameras and digital cameras, capable, in the moment, from his microcomputer, to make edits and montages to transmit photos and videos to his agency or to the press or TV editor who employs him.
We also randomly noticed a photo-video reporter's portrait of a photo-video reporter. We extracted some here after a few lines that allow us to better understand the components of this profession: "Technician of sound, video, light, he made many shots, photos and videos, and montages. .......He easily uses various professional software - Capture NX 2 Photoshop, Paint-Shop Pro and editing software -to give his photos and audiovisual media the qualities expected for publication and distribution; he finally has - of course now - good knowledge of the internet. »
From a training point of view, although there are many professionals to point out that progress is being made on the ground, general and vocational initial higher education is required to succeed. They must combine theory and practice.
The press journalism, TV component requires entry to university or to higher education. The technical component requires the follow-up of training, internships and field exercises. Some institutions (journalism schools, photography or audiovisual schools - such as the National Higher School of Photography in Arles offer programs that balance theory and practice and allow students to have the best chance of insertion in the targeted professional environments.
Even if we are in a civilization of the image, that TV channels are more and more numerous and that specialized magazines invade the kiosks, the insertion in this sector will require a lot of perseverance and the passage through missions and one-off interventions. For the youngest, passionate about photos and videos, and that this professional perspective would seduce, which Bac could they prefer? More often than not, generalist courses are preferred.
Cinema, Theatre, Television; Specialist in the writing of dialogues that the characters take over on their own throughout the work. There is great complicity between the dialoguist and the director as well as between the screenwriter and the dialoguist.
Centers and schools offer workshops to train for this type of writing, which is known to contribute to the quality and success of the work. The dialoguist can also find himself associated with the design of advertising messages, the creation of plays in company contexts, the dialogue writing of animated films featuring animals ... Etc. Today, it will be useful for him to master a foreign language to intervene confidently in the translation of the work and its adaptation for another country. In total, demanding know-how in the service of very characteristic writing.
Make-up artist
It is possible to present succinctly the profile of professionals who carry out their profession in a specific way by being specially assigned to the make-up of theatre and film actors, and or to that of presenters and hosts of TV or TV programs or fashion models. Having benefited from a high level of initial vocational education from professors who themselves work professionally with actors and media personalities; the make-up artist of actors or actresses will have had the chance to perform internships and/or replacements in these professional environments during the course of school. In addition to the theoretical and technical knowledge of this profession, artistic talent, creative ability and sensitivity are all indispensable components of such a profile; It is, therefore, no coincidence that they are recognized - in the professional circles concerned as artists in their own right. Possible career development: the creation of Beauty Institutes; Advice in style and beauty. It is also possible to take specialized training in the creation of SFX prostheses to establish oneself among directors and actors or actresses.
Film distributor
Generic name that refers more to a company than to a person. Thus, by presenting the distribution function in all film activities we will be able to better understand what it is, the trades of the distribution of film works or more broadly audiovisual. Large production companies often provide (via a subsidiary) a distribution function that consists of "placing" the films they have produced in the networks and groups of cinema operators (starting, when there has been vertical integration, through their own network of cinemas) Some of these large companies holding more than 90% of the market. Practically, it is up to the distributor to ensure the preparation of all the elements that will allow its distribution (make copies, posters, promote the film, communicate - in the broadest sense - on the film) Activity at risk to the extent or significant (distribution) expenses must be incurred before measuring the film's results from the point of view of the number of spectators. In this context, the distributor will have negotiated various distribution possibilities, such as the distribution of the film to television channels. In total to return to the profile, a profession that requires a great knowledge of the film world, the maintenance of a real network of close professional relations with interlocutors, both on the producers' side, and, commitments at national and international events. (such as festivals or trade shows - The Milia for example) It is in this sense that "success in the Distribution market at European level" requires special preparation, especially by participating in the seminars and workshops which are organized by a few training organizations.
Production and administration assistant - Current music
Let us present a sector that is likely to lead to the exercise of this activity by retaining that others can also lead to this function.
In total, the ability to establish contacts with musicians, artists, stage managers, those who are able to negotiate with the administrative leaders of communities, associations and venues to organize events make up the essential technical and relational background,
At the same time, knowing how to connect with studios and recording companies for artists and groups whose first CDs, clips and music videos are launched and mastering the technical and financial conditions of productions are also part of the skills of production and administrative assistants. Also note that it is necessary to know how to develop relations with the media (Radio, TV, websites) so that this function of "Producer - Current Music" can allow access to a well-established professional situation. The above also means that, in parallel with the basic initial training, authors, artists and composers are also able to become their own producer... particularly after a vocational degree education. Finally, on the one hand, the "address book" that opens doors is of great importance in this environment for all young professionals. On the other hand, - is it worth clarifying? - be at least an enlightened lover of contemporary music; practice better or even makes it possible to succeed fully in this environment.
Editor Digital video composer
The advent of digital technology in audiovisual and film production has led to a change in the content of the jobs and professions of the film chain and audiovisual production. The editor's function, therefore, requires a new approach that editors during their careers must accept and that students discover during their studies in audiovisual and multimedia. For example, know and use Premiere, Visual Jockey, Burning, Discreet Cleaner ... Etc. In total a new generation of editors whose software tools are those of the digital revolution.
Director of Photography
Man, woman. Also known as "chief operator." He supervises the "image" team of a set (cinema or television). While taking into account the director's instructions, he remains creative. It handles the light in the image. He must have taken courses in a film or audiovisual school that offers photography training to acquire the technical basics.
Sound taker
Young man, young woman having, after a bachelor's degree in science, followed a basic technical higher education. At the end of his 2 years of training, he will have completed one or more internships in a studio or audiovisual production agency. Often, his passion for music, or for sound recordings in nature, that for the sound of evenings, his personal audiovisual and mixing equipment will have allowed him with his microcomputer to learn from a point of view practice. Thanks to his contacts, the replacements of the professionals he has provided whenever possible and who are very important in this field, the taker of his professional will gradually be able to access the responsibilities of the chief operator. Requirement: Regularly update its knowledge and practices in order to keep up with technological developments in the sector.
Short film producer
A film professional with all the technical and professional knowledge that allows him to start the production of short films. (productions, works with a shorter screening time, and or length of film than films usually distributed and shown in cinemas) Often, young professional (the) able to also ensure the realization of film projects. They - after studying at a film school - and, by seizing the opportunities that arise at festivals or events, will act as Assistant Producer to, as quickly as possible, ensure the production of works by themselves command or fiction. (documentary genre, institutional films, professional films...) It is obvious that any short film producer will set out to become a full-fledged producer and that this reference introduced in the database highlights only one of the stages of the producer's profession. Importance of professional relations with the media (Press, TV, Audiovisual..) .. or more familiarly from the address book!