How to become an actor? - Films trailers blog

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Saturday, 11 May 2019

How to become an actor?

How to become an actor?


In film, theater, television or advertising, acting is multi-faceted. But behind this profession that is dreaming hides a harsh reality: that of a sector strongly affected by unemployment and with few career prospects.

How to become a player? Find here the missions, necessary training, remuneration of this profession.

The mission of the trade: Actor

The actor is a professional artist. Its main mission is to play a role on stage or on screen for a film, a play or an advertisement. He must be able to play different types of characters in order to convince the audience of their reality. He may have to promote his play or film to national or local media. Some may be specialized in dubbing. They then lend their voices to animated characters or foreign comedians. 

The role of the actor

Whatever the type of shooting, an actor must know how to adapt to the requirements of his role. His job does not stop on stage: it requires a preliminary preparation as well as a possible work of promotion. In general, an actor will: 

• Learn and respect the text written by the scriptwriter or the dialogist;

• To immerse oneself in the skin of one's character by documenting oneself or by meeting personalities similar to one's role;

• Interpret his character in front of the audience or the camera according to the direction of the director or director;

• Use techniques of gestural or oral expression that he has acquired to enhance the credibility of his character;

• Promoting his play or film to the national or local press, possibly under the supervision of the press officer or communication officer.

Become an Actor: Required Qualities

Talent is naturally the first quality sought after by an actor. In addition to the gestural and vocal techniques that he knows how to master, he must possess a strong personality. This is the only way for him to stand out from everyone else.

To be able to chain the seals, versatility is also an undeniable asset. An actor can apply to all the more roles that he will play an instrument, sing, dance or highlight any artistic or sporting practice.

Finally, playing comedy is not a hobby! An actor must show perseverance, resistance and also self-sacrifice to meet the expectations of his director or director. In front of the camera, it is not rare that a scene must be replayed several times. Despite the fatigue, the actor must always be better than the time before!

You think you're done for this job? 

Actor: career / possibility of evolution:

An actor must often pass many castings before obtaining his first role. The selection is tough. It is therefore advisable to start with figuration or short films rather than aiming for important roles immediately. The whole thing is to be noticed by the casting directors: by linking the auditions, a beginner is more likely to make an impression. From then on, he can be contacted personally for the needs of a shoot according to his physical or his mastery of related disciplines.

Gross monthly salary of a beginner:


Becoming a player: training required

Some actors are self-taught. However, it is better to undertake appropriate training before embarking on comedy. All bachelor's degrees are possible but it is strongly recommended to opt for a theater option from the second class. For the rest, different ways of professionalization exist:

• The drama schools offer general training. Public schools are the most selective but give the right to student status. Private schools are quite unequal: the two most famous are the Florent course and the Simon course;

• National Regional Conservatories prepare for the Diploma of Theater Studies (DET) in 3 years;

• Some universities offer pro masters with honors arts.

Whatever the level of training, it is better for a young actor to have several years of experience. The prior practice of theater in a club, an association or a troupe of amateurs is almost indispensable.

The situation of the profession/context to become a player

The profession of actor offers very few opportunities. Only a tiny minority of candidates will succeed in making a name for themselves in the profession. Most of the short casting hoping to get a small appearance as appearing in a series or a TV spot. As many have some contacts in the middle to put the odds on his side! The majority of actors alternate periods of activity and unemployment. Supplementary food activity is then essential. Especially since it is necessary to justify 507 hours of work in the last 10 months to collect the intermittent allowances of the show.

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